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About Us



Hello!  My name is George.  My wife Vickie and I have a son named Thomas.  Vickie was my biggest supporter when it came to the vineyard.  In 2023, we lost our Vickie.  I want to thank her for all her support and time put towards our vineyard.  My son and I work hard to continue the dream of our vineyard in her honor.



  • 2008 - The Gross family moved to Potosi Missouri

  • 2009 - Acquired the property and began development of the farm and orchard.  It was heavily wooded, an old school house. Began clearing rocks.  Thomas built the trellises and started 8 rows.

  • 2010 - Development of the vinyard began.  The vineyard now sits on 2 acres.

  • 2011 - Clearing of rocks completed. We now have 16 rows in the original section that was started in 2009.  We now have a new section with 12 rows.

  • Present Day - Approximately 800 grape vines and approximately 35 fruit trees

We spray for viruses that spreads through vineyard throughout the year.  We spray 6 or 7 times with liquid 7.  Our other main problem is birds.



The original plant was selected from a seed ling field in 1975. It since has been tested as Ark. 1508 in tests at the Fruit Substation, Clarksville, and the Main Station, Fayette ville, and in grower trials in other sections of Arkansas. The fruit of 'Mars' is round and blue in color at maturity.

Concord Grape.jfif


The Concord grape was developed in 1849 by Ephraim Wales Bull in Concord, Massachusetts. Bull planted seeds from wild Vitis labrusca and evaluated over 22,000 seedlings before finding what he considered the ideal Concord grape. Genetic testing confirmed that Concord grape has roughly one-third Vitis vinifera parentage.

Contact Us

Get in touch

Our Location

12793 Old 8 East

Mineral Point, MO 63660


Phone #: (573) 210-4668



Look for the red gate!

The Boss

The Boss - Bubbles

This is the Gross's cat Bubbles. She's a Main Coon. She IS the Boss. 

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